BACKGROUND : Human aging process undergoes a change toward physical and mental dependence. Complaints that accompany the aging process become a sign of disease, usually accompanied by feelings of anxiety. Anxiety also arises in certain situations such as public speaking, high job pressures, facing exams. Anxiety disorders arise when the anxiety lasts a long time, changes in behavior, or the occurrenceof changes in body metabolism. This study is conducted to determine the effectiveness of breathinf relaxation to reduce anxiety in elderly.
SUBJECT AND METHODE : This is a quasy experimental research conducted with two groups pre test and post test design. This study incolving 43 respondents divided into control group for 20 resondents and the rest become the experimental group. The data collected using questionnaire and alayze by using Man Whitney test.
RESULTS : Based on the results of the research before the breathing relaxation in the mean score in the experimental group was 2.35 and in the control group was 2.2. While after breathing relaxation in mean value in experiment group is 2.70 and in control group is 2.70 Then obtained result p value: 0.000 <α 0.05 concluded H1 accepted, meaning there is influence of deep breath relaxation
DISCUSSION : Based on the research results, deep breath relaxation can be used as an alternative to lower anxiety levels
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32528/inc.v0i0.2709
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