BACKGROUND : Self efficacy is a cognitive control system which affect someone’s believe to do an activity in a special condition. This research conduct to find out the relationship between self efficacy and postural balance with fall risk in elderly.
SUBJECT AND METHODE : It’s a correlational research with cross sectional approach that followed by 40 elderly as the respondents. The respondents taken by simple random sampling from total number of 120 elderly in nursing home of Jember Social Ministry. The data taken by using Falls Efficacy Scale (FES) to measure self efficacy, Timed Up and Go Test to measure postural balance and Tinetti Balance and Gait scale to measure the fall risk of the elderly. Then the data are analysed using Spearman Correlation Analysis.
RESULTS: The results show p value of correlation between self efficacy and fall risk as 0,067 which means there is no correlation between those two variable. In the other hand, the p value of correlation between postural balance and fall risk of elderly are 0,0341 which means there is correlation between those two variables.
CONCLUSION: The inconsistency of self efficacy and physical performance could happen when there is ambiguity of task or environment or when someone has little information to learn a new ability. But, postural balance is require to support someone’s ability to move and to function independently.
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