BACKGROUND: Diabetes mellitus is a kind of metabolic disease characterized by increasing of blood glucose related to insulin resistence. Controlling the risk factor has prooven to be effective in controlling the pathophysiolgy of the disease. In the other hand, diabetes mellitus has an effect in quality of life. The purpose of this research are to find out the correlational relationship between the nutritional status and quality of life of people with diabetes mellitus.
SUBJECT AND METHODE : Its’a acorrelational research conducted by cross sectional approach. The population are people with diabetes who came to Holistic Care clinic at December – Februari 2019 counted 100 people. There are 30 respondents taken by simple randim sampling. The data taken using a questionnaire Revised Diabetes Quality of Life (Revised DqoL). Then the data analysed by using by statistical analysis using Spearman correlational test.
RESULT : It show that the mean of respondent’s body mass index as nutritional status were 32,606 which mean that the respondents has ideal body weight. Then the mean of DQoL show 3,66 means that respondent has good quality of life. Statistical analysis show p value 0,587 means that there are no significant correlational between nutritional status and quality of life people with diabetes mellitus. DISCUSSION : Psychological and social aspect has bigger part in forming quality of life in people with diabetes.
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