BACKGROUND : Indonesia is currently facing nutritional problems which seriously affect its human resource. One of the main issues is the high rate of short toddlers (stunting). According to Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), all kinds of malnutrition, including stunting, must be overcome. This research aimed to reveal driving factors that affect stunting prevalence in Bojonegoro and programmes carried out to handle stunting in the region.
SUBJECT AND METHODE : This study uses phenomenology as its design and retrospective as its time approach. Meanwhile, the subjects observed are main informant and supporting informant related to stunting handling programme. The writers also functioned as the main instruments of the study by using triangulation, including in depth interviews and documentation, as the data collecting technique.
RESULTS: The study results show that stunting prevalence is affected by the decreasing rate of exclusive breastfeeding between 2016 and 2017. The Public Health Bureau of Bojonegoro has made some efforts to accelerate the prevalence reduction by prioritising nursery room provision in offices and stunting audit programme as included in PESTA GITA (Toddlers Nutritional Level Improvement) programme.
DISCUSSION: However, there are several obstacles in its implementation, and they are expected to be fixed soon by creating cross-sector collaboration. Furthermore, organised programmes are expected to be benchmarks and recommendations to be carried out consistently and continuouslyKeywords
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