BACKGROUND : Stress is an inevitable part of everyone's life. Stress in school adolescents can result in decreased learning achievement. Therefore, it is necessary to do therapy, one of which is a combination of Germas stretching and brain exercise. This study aims to determine and prove the effect of Germas Exercise Combination Brain Gymn on the Stress Levels of Adolescent in Class XI SMK 17 Pare.
SUBJECT AND METHODE : Quasi Experiment research design, the number of samples of 40 adolescents using purposive sampling techniques, uses a stress sclae measurement tool of DASS 42 modification.
RESULTS: Almost all (90%) of respondents' stress conditions before the intervention were in the mild stress criteria, whereas after the intervention, the majority were obtained (55%) with mild stress criteria. Statistical test results with the Wilcoxon signed rank test (p-value = 0.003), means that there is an effect of Germas Exercise Combination Brain Gymn.
DISCUSSION : Stress is characterized by signs and symptoms of feeling difficult to relax, pessimistic, easily offended. Germas Exercise Combination Brain Gymn can cause the pituitary gland to stimulate the hypothalamus so that the endorphins are raised and the cortisol hormone decreases which makes the feeling relaxed and happy so that the stress decreases. Germas Exercise Combination Brain Gymn can be an alternative solution as an innovative and applicative effort to reduce stress levels that can be done easily and independently.
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