BACKGROUND : Ca mamae is one of the first rank in cancer case every year. One of the treatment for Ca mamae is chemotherapy which has an effect of losing interest in sexuality. The purpose of this study was to identify sexual function problems of Ca Mamae patients whom undergoing chemotherapy.
SUBJECT AND METHODE : This is descriptive conducted with cross sectional research design through survey. The sample in this study were 31 respondents and sampling method with purposive sampling. Measurement in this study used FSFI questionnaire, to identify components of sexual desire, sexual arousal, lubrication, orgasm, satisfaction and pain. Data analyzed used SPSS program.
RESULTS : The results of this study found that 2 (6.4%) respondents in normal sexual satisfaction and 29 (93.5%) respondents with sexual impaired function.
CONCLUSION : The conclusion of this study is the incidence of sexual function disorders in patients with Ca mamae still being majority case.
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