BACKGROUND : Children with special needs are children who in the proccess of growth or development experience abnormalities or deviations so as to require special treatment.
SUBJECT AND METHODE : This is qualitative study conduct with phenomeological approach. The participants were all teacher in Extraordinary Middle School in Waingapu. The data was obtained by structured interview and analyzed and presented in narrative form towards themes, sub themes, and categories found. This study was conduct to describe teacher’s experience in overcoming the growth and development of childrena with special needs.
RESULTS : The themes obtained in this study were “the role of the teacher” and “the source of obstacles”. The theme of the teacher’s role sonsist of two subthemes, namely the teacher’s role as an educator and the teacher’s role as a motivator. The source of obstacle themes consist of 2 subthemes, namely students and teachers.
CONCLUSION : The role of the teacher as a motivator has been carried out in the form of of support, praise and reward but not doing touch. The results of research sources of obstacles from students are the limitations both physically and psychologically. Barriers from the teacher are lack of experience and feeling feel difficult and discouraged in dealing with students.
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