BACKGROUND: Breastfeeding is one of the natural and important way to provide food for baby. It also has role to support the physical and emotional development between mothers and baby. Nowadays, coverage numbers of breastfeeding is low. The objective of this study is to understanding determinant factors to encourage breastfeeding of working mothers.
METHODE : This study was literature review. Searching literatur on online database consist of Medline, Pubmed, Science Direct and Cochrane. Inclusion criteria such as literature in english, both qualitative and quantitative research, literature published after 31 December 2005 until 31 December 2017. Article appraisal used Form Crowe Critical Appraisal Tool (CCAT). Based on the findings of the analysis of 21 literature.
RESULTS AND DISCUSSION : There are several factors that can influence mother working to breastfeed. Factors supporting: high incomes, high education, mature age, marital status, multiparity, low of psychosocial distress, broad knowledge, support from workplace, existing facilities at the workplace, part-time work, co-workers and supervisor to provide time to pumped breast milk, suggestions and appeals from health workers, also policy in workplace. Obstacle factor to breastfeeding for working mother such as tightly work schedule and unflexible, full-time work, mother did not understood about breasfeeding policy, low economy status, lack of support and facility for breastfeeding, vacation regulation, lack of support and attention of health workers, infant condition (premature or illness) and exposured advertisement of formula.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32528/inc.v0i0.2688
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