Study on Drainage System Planning for Bentuyun’s Garden housing
Bentuyun's Garden is a residential area in Jember Regency which is located in a rather highland area. If the drainage condition is still not good in the area then it is not equipped with an infiltration well, it will cause standing water or flooding, especially in the rainy season in the downstream area. This is due to the inability of the existing drainage to accommodate the increased volume and discharge of water. In the future, it is necessary to plan a drainage system equipped with infiltration wells to accommodate excess water that occurs. The steps that must be carried out in this study are hydrological studies (regional average rainfall analysis, frequency analysis, frequency compatibility test), estimating the rate of water runoff (flood discharge) then conducting a hydraulic study (calculating the maximum Q at the outlet and calculating the cross-sectional capacity at the outlet section and infiltration well). The results of the study show that the watershed (DAS) of Bentuyun's Garden housing area is 0.639 ha2, with a total discharge of rain runoff and discharged domestic waste of 0.037 m3/second. Drainage channels are planned for 16 sections and sufficient to drain rainwater runoff while 9 infiltration wells are sufficient to absorb rainwater.
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