Planning Study Of Earthquake Resistant Concrete Building Using Elastic Second Order Analysis

Pujo Priyono, Imam Baihaqi Krisna Bayu, Muhtar Muhtar


In the District of Jember, the last few years often happen earthquakes with a magnitude of medium. Therefore, the planning of high-rise buildings in the District of Jember have to take into account the earthquake forces, so that it can provide performance at least life safety. In doing a planning of earthquake resistant building should be an analysis of the structure in order to get the style that occurs on the elements of the structure. Analysis of the structure of itself has a lot of updates occur following the era of the development of the times, one analysis is the Analysis of the Second- Order Elastic contained in the regulations of ACI 318-14. In the Analysis of the second Order Elastic version of ACI 318-14, the column must take into account the influence of the load is axial, the existence of the area of cracks on the entire length of the component structure of the column, so that for reinforced concrete columns are subjected to a fixed load, creep transfer most of the load from the concrete to the longitudinal reinforcement, load transfer this result to reinforcement press having a yielding prematurely, resulting in loss of EI as effective. Based on the data and the results of the calculation of the planning of the reinforcement of column using Analysis of second Order Elastic obtained extensive reinforcement (As) as follows , K2 = 1134,11 mm2, K3 = 2268,23 mm2, K4 = 13210,40 mm2, K5 = 5284,16 mm2, K6 = 13210,40 mm2.


Earthquake; Earthquake-Resistant Building; a Column; Analysis of Second Order Elastic.

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