Walan Time Using the Grantchart Method Based on Microsoft Project 2013 in a Bridge Development Project Langgeng

Totok Dwi Kuryanto, Defrat Andy Kurniawan, Suhartinah Suhartinah


Project scheduling is one of the planning elements that can provide information about thr project schedule and project progress in terms of resource performance to complete the project. In this thesis we discuss the scheduling of time using the gant chart method based on microsoft project 2013 on the bridge – langgeng construction project in lumajang district, east java province. Scheduling using the Microsoft Office Project 2013 application program for the Langgeng Bridge construction project in Lumajang Regency is made by analyzing data and assuming the duration, construction project start time and other data. The implementation time of the Langgeng Bridge construction construction project in Lumajang Regency is 22 weeks. With the relationship between critical activities in week 16 and week 21, more attention needs to be paid so that the project is completed on time


Time Schedule; S Curve; Ms Project

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