Horizontal Identification of Lindi Distribution Using Monitoring Wells

Hudori Hudori, Nanang Saiful Rizal, Rusdiana Setyaningtyas, Ahmad Fajar Yusuf Efendi


Most of the waste is collected and managed in a landfill (TPA). The Pakusari Jember Final Processing Site (TPA) is an example of a TPA that implements the Open Dumping system. This TPA is one of the TPAs located in the City of Jember. This TPA service covers all waste in the city and its surroundings. Most of the waste disposed of in this place is organic waste originating from markets. This causes waste to decompose faster and produce pollutants that can pollute groundwater. Leachate water (leachate) that enters groundwater or rivers will cause dangerous pollution for the surrounding residents. If this is allowed, there will be wider problems for the population. For surveillance measures, it is necessary to conduct a survey to determine the types of pollutants and how wide they are spread. By monitoring 11 research wells and 1 pollutant source site, then the permeability test was carried out at several points, the distribution of leachate content was obtained up to 400 m to the southeast. It can be concluded that the Pakusari TPA has been polluted by leachate waste. Some of the content in the monitoring well is heavy metals such as lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), copper (Cu) and iron (Fe). With a permeability value (K) = 2.61298E-07 cm / second, there has been a leachate flow propagation of 0.08127406 m / year with a leachate distribution area of 1.478.54 m2.


Contamination; Leachate; TPA; Monitoring Wells.

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