Christine Wulandari S


Group process approach (GPA) is the teacher’s effort in grouping the students into some groups by
considering the individual itself that build enjoyable atmosphere. GPA is often used by the teacher
in learning, even in mathematics learning. Mathematics learning is the teacher’s effort in helping
the students in order they can learn numeric and operational procedure that is used in solving
problem about numeric based on their need and interest. The purpose of this research is (1) to
describe management of the class with GPA (2) to describe kinds of mathematics learning approach
that use GPA. This research is descriptive research. Data collection method that is used is interview,
documentation and observation. From the result of the research, we can conclude that there are six
elements in GPA: purpose of the research, responsibility, group construction, the rule in group,
communication, the correlation between members of the group. Mathematics learning approach that
uses GPA is contextual approach.
Keyword: approach, group process, mathematics learning.

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