Hana Puspita Eka Firdaus


One of the capabilities that must be owned by a math teacher is a mathematical communication skill.
Mathematical communication is the mathematical ability of students to convey ideas, perceptions,
and the mathematical solution to others. Mathematical communication in this research refers to the
ability to express mathematical ideas through oral, written, and visually demonstrate and describe
it; the ability to understand, interpret, and evaluate mathematical ideas, either or ally, in writing, or
in other visual forms; and the ability to use terms, notations of mathematics and its structures to
present ideas and describe relationships with models situation.
This research describes the ability of mathematical communications of Mathematics Education
students of Muhammadiyah University of Jember in the material Pythagorean Theorem. Results
from this research showed that when expressing mathematical ideas through speech, writing,
demonstrating, and describe it visually, S1 express it clearly and completely but often has errors.
Whereas when they understand, interpret, and evaluate mathematical ideas, either orally, in writing,
or in any other visual form, S1 is doing it right, clear, and complete. When using the term, notation,
mathematical structures to present ideas and describe relationships with models other situations, S1
used in full. But not in terms of truth and clarity. On the other hand, when expressing mathematical
ideas through word of mouth do the obvious but it is not tr ue and clear. Whereas when they
understand, interpret, and evaluate mathematical ideas, either orally, in writing, or in any other visual
form, S2 has been doing it right, clear, and complete. Furthermore, when they use the term, notation,
mathematic structures to present ideas and describe relationships with another situation models, S2
does not do it correctly, clearly and completely.
Keywords : ability of mathematical communication, students in mathematics education

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