Nur Lailiyah


Building positive character can be developed through value habituation, either in social or religion
which internalized through social interaction. Character that has been formed is expected to be
firmly entrenched and become life principal in children’s life. In this context, parents become the
main persons in charge of the process of building the character of children. Parents should be able
to be a good role model because most of children’s time is spent in the family. Good model and
habituation become a fundamental step in character education. A shift in social values is started to
frequently happen. Matters which were taboo, now becomes a normal thing. Corruptions, teenagers’
mini dress phenomenon, exaggerating dating style, married by accident, until teacher which had
been killed by his/her students, and student imprisons his teacher.
Nowadays, split of personality is happening, where individuals have not yet able to unite between
words and deeds. Shyness culture seems to be eroded. Therefore, parents’ parenting is hoped to be
able to shape children’s character, so that they have strong mental which always consider values as
their guidance and life principal, not only knows but also able to implement it in daily life. Thus,
those are democratic parenting style, not permissive parenting style or even authoritarian parenting
style. Various aspects, such as family, school, society, and government are necessary to be
synergized in order to success the character education.
Keywords: character education, family, parenting style

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