Ninuk Indrayani


Language development is always in line with the growth of the child. Parents should always pay
attention to these development, because at this time, largely determines the learning process. This
can be done by giving a good example, to motivate children to learn. Parents are largely responsible
for the success of children's learning and should always strive to improve the potential of children
in order to develop optimally.
In view of its function, language is the ability to communicate with others. There are significant
differences between the understanding of language and speech. Languages include all forms of
communication, both expressed in the form of oral, written, sign language, gestures, facial
expressions, pantonim or art. However, spoken language is the most effective form of
communication, and the most important and widely used.
This study wants to describe how language both oral and written are developed at the early
childhood.The result shows that there are several theories have challenged the development of
language, such theories are natavism, cognitivism, and behaviourism. Language development is
divided into three periods, namely: Period Prelingual, Early Lingual Period and Differentiation
Period. Start early period this early lingual child starts to say the word - first word which is the most
amazing moment for parents.The factors that affect languages development including health,
intelligence, social economic condition, family relationship, family size, peer relationships and
Keywords: Language Development, Early Childhood

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