Nitya Jwalita


The assessment of 2013 curriculum is considered difficult to do. 2013 curriculum is an activity
based curriculum in which there are spiritual and social competence, cognitive competence and skill
competence taught integratedly. In line with these competences, of course suitable asssessments are
needed. The assessments include the attitude, cognitive and skill assessments. However, many
teachers stated that the assessments of 2013 curriculum are difficult to do, and are meaningless, the
1 - 4 score scale is difficult to implement, besides society do not understand this scoring system. To
overcome this problem, there is a discussion about the techniques and the assessment result
management of the 2013 curriculum. This paper is aimed at enabling senior high school teachers to
manage the 2013 curriculum assessment. Therefore, the focus of the discussion is how to implement
assessment of 2013 curriculum.
Keywords : assessment of 2013 curriculum

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