
Rindi Prastika Wardani, Dwi Mei Sandy Hermawati


Speaking is important because it reflects to the student knowledge about English. Based on the result of preliminary study, most of them have problems with confidentiality, because they still have low competence in English speaking. Therefore, it is necessary to apply the STAD method to be taught in speaking class, because STAD can solve the students’ problem that is problem from themselves. Also, STAD helps students from their social life and relationships with others. STAD is one of method in cooperative learning that consist of five components in implementing the method, those are class presentation, team, quiz, individual progress score and team recognition.
The problem of this research is how can Student Teams-Achievement Divisions (STAD) improve tenth grade students’ speaking ability at SMKN 5 Jember in 2015-2016 Academic Year?, while the objective is to find out how STAD method can improve the speaking ability of the tenth grade students of SMKN 5 Jember.
In cycle 1, the percentage of students who could achieve the standard minimum score 70 is 51% and in cycle 2, the students who achieve the minimum standard score 70 is 82%.
Based on the research result, it can be concluded that STAD can improve the students’ speaking ability at SMKN 5 Jember by dividing the students into group that consist of 4-5 member, it represented the education level in each group and discussing with their group. The leader or the smartest of each group helped the member who had difficulties in some part of English speaking.
Key Words: Speaking ability, Student Teams-Achievement Division (STAD)


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