Ach. Apriyanto Romadhan, Laeli Nur Khanifah, Iradhad Taqwa Sihidi, Muhammad Kamil



The practice of gambling in holding village head elections was allegedly threatening democratization at the local level . Instead of being an example of the uniqueness of local democracy in Indonesia, village head election democracy is colored by the practice of money politics. In every village head election, including in Batu city, it is always colored by the presence of Botoh or gamblers. In some studies, Botoh is interpreted as a broker or broker in financing the political costs of a village head candidate. Their position is in outside the structure of government. Their presence in the practice of village head election gambling is suspected because of economic motives. This research offers different things. Understanding botoh is not only those who are outside the government structure, but they are also people who are inside the government structure. Based on these conditions, this study wants to answer how the dynamics of botoh in the practice of village head election gambling at the local level.  The research in this paper uses a type of qualitative research with a descriptive approach. In collecting data researchers used interview techniques with an open model, participatory observation and documentation. Data analysis using an interactive analysis model, this study tries to display descriptive data. The technique of taking informants is done by purposive sampling and snowball   The involvement of botoh or gamblers in each organization of village head elections is due to their perception of the meaning of village head elections as a gambling arena. Their orientation in the administration of pilkades as a venue for capital accumulation. Unlike the botoh motives, some botohs are in the government structure, they are politicians who have the interest to finance the winning of village head candidates, with the hope that besides economic motives, the victory of village head candidates who are supported guarantees the continuity of their power structure. In an open electoral system, the village head can be used as a voice broker to ensure voter voting mobility to the politician.

Keywords: Gambling, Village Head Election, Botoh


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