Toni Ari Wibowo, Yudy Sunantri


Batam  in  developing  tourism  through  the activities of the types of tourism that exist inevery  places  of  Batam,  one  of  which  is located   in   Sekupang   District.   Sekupang District with 7 existing urban villages, has tourism potential but not yet maximally in  the process of inventory of tourism potential which can be a chance of one of the superior products of tourism as well as increase the splendor of Batam tourism. Opportunities and potential of tourism can be seen through the following attractions (attractiveness),  accesable  (system achieved), amenities (facilities), ancillary (tourism institutions). Opportunities and potentials that can be made in the development  of tourism Sekupang  District and make Sekupang district can contribute in Batam tourism through the potential of existing tourism.

Key Words: tourism indentification, tourism opportunity, community based tourism


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