Saiman Saiman


Kalimantan is a region bordering Malaysia and border issues often occur which cause conflicts between countries. The underdevelopment of development is the main cause of problems in the border region of Kalimantan. Population migration, illegal trade and transnational crime occur as a result of development disparities in Kalimantan. The government has obligations in the development of border areas and disadvantaged areas as an effort to overcome the problems of the border region and maintain the sovereignty of the Republic of Indonesia. What are the interests of the central government and what is the impact of development in the Kalimantan Border region? This research uses the theory of national importance and nationalism as well as qualitative research methods with data collection techniques by reference, observation and interview. The results of this study indicate that the interests of the central government are still oriented towards the interests of national security which include political and security aspects, so that the interests of the community are still not realized. This has an impact on the functional nature of the community which is oriented towards practical interests in the context of meeting the needs of life, even though de jure, the community is in the territory of the Republic of Indonesia.

Keywords: Central Government, Interest, Infrastructure Development, Border

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32528/pi.v0i0.2549

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