Amirul Mustofa, Novi Indah Sri Rahayu


This article aim to analyze the contribution of CSR programs for  Development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) from the community. The CSR program implementers who are responsible for developing community business in this discussion are East Java business development institutions. Business development programs, through stages: training and assistance, financing facilitation, and marketing. The ultimate goal of this business development program is to create MSMEs have a positive impact on the development of individual and community businesses. The method of approach used is qualitative. Data collection through documentation, interviews, and observation. The results of the study show that first, the development program of MSME from the community has a positive impact on business development. However, the weakness of this program is that assistance to improve the product marketing model still needs to be optimized. the hope is that some goods produced, have a competitive sale value on the market; and second, facilitation of CSR programs to facilitate prospective business communities who have attended educational programs is very necessary, especially to be able to get access to funds to banking institutions.

Keywords: Corporate Social Responsibility, Development of Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises

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