The aims of the study are to explain, to analyze, and to find a relationship model between government bureaucracy and society in the process of social and political change in Wajo regency. Data collection methods used in this study were Focus Group Discussion (FGD), documentation, intensive interaction, in depth interview and other instruments. Samples were selected by purposive and snowball methods. Informants in this study are both from internal and external bureaucracy. Internal bureaucracy informants consisted of; (1) strategic apex (top-level management), (2) middle line (chief executive), (3) operating core (executant), while the external bureaucracy informants can be classified into four groups; (1) local elite which consist of local figures and its stakeholders within the area, (2) modern elite, consists of scholars, teachers, headmasters and retired government official, (3) religion elite, consists of head of Islamic-boarding-school and ustadz, (4) community elite consists of non-governmental organization, youth leaders, women and even fisherman leaders. The results of the study provide an explanation of the relationship between the local bureaucracy with the local community, which was forming 4 (four) relationship models namely (1) Adaptive Model, (2) Accommodative Model, (3) Humanist Model, and (4) Tiered Elite Model. The most popular model of society is the Humanist model. Tiered Elite Model, on the other hand, creates pseudo harmony and put bureaucracy under the pressure of the hidden hand. There are three basic models and AAH model which consists of adaptive, accommodative and humanist is the preferred one. These four models can become theories in the context of a harmonious relationship between the government bureaucracy and society in the process of social and political change. These theories can be a source of inspiration in any social relationship that supports every harmonious social relationship.
Keywords: local government bureaucracy, adaptive, humanist, elite.Full Text:
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