M.Y. Tiyas Tinov, Sujianto Sujianto, Muchid Albintani


Local content broadcasts that are required through the [SSJ] network broadcast system are deemed not fulfilled by national television operating in Riau Province. National television which is required to provide 10 percent of local content broadcasts in accordance with the provisions of the broadcasting law, and the regulations of the Indonesian broadcasting commission [KPI] are considered to ignore it. This study aims, first, to explain the support of national television media for broadcasting local content in Provinsi Riau. Second, explaining the constraints on national television supporting local content broadcasts in Provinsi Riau. This study uses Government Communication and Political Economy Media as its theoretical framework.A qualitative approach with descriptive analysis method was used in this study. Data is collected based on documents supported by interviews. After collecting the data, it is analyzed qualitatively. The study results conclude, first, that the 10 percent media support for local content broadcasting has not yet been fulfilled due to the centralized national media broadcasting program. Second, the constraints that cause not yet fulfilled the support of providing 10 percent of local content broadcasts, national television generally still prioritizes business interests.


Keywords: Local Content, National Television, Provinsi Riau

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.32528/pi.v0i0.2545

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