Suyono Suyono


The development of communication technology today, allows online media to grow rapidly. Even the position of the Internet-based media, was able to replace the mass media (print and electronic) in carrying out the function of disseminating information in the community. This qualitative method of research, aims to determine the preaching of a number of online media that tends to "monitor" the performance of the Bupati Dr. Faida, MMR., and various development successes in Jember Regency. The face and layout of the media, as if changed function to become media relations and role as it replaces the function of public relations (PR) of the District government. Researchers found benang-merah, apparently the news model, as part of the Synergy and cooperation (MoU) that was established public relation of Jember regency with about 40-an online media – local and regional. As a result, various activities undertaken by the Jember Regency, especially the Bupati Dr. Faida, were uniformly recorded in almost all online media, with almost identical editors and images.

Keywords: online media, media relations Jember Regent

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