Ishomuddin Ishomuddin


groups. They are the basis of the Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) organization. This base spreads from all corners of the village to the cities. Traditional Islamic societies maintain activities that are commonly carried out in NU organizational activities, among others in the form of; manaqiban, diba'an, slametan, and tahlilan that have continued to be carried out since now even though the socio-cultural life of the community has changed. These activities are religious traditions that have survived until now. In fact, this activity has become a kind of habit carried out in government institutions, government and private institutions in the community. Based on the background above, it is interesting to conduct research related to Islamic culture and traditions carried out by a group of traditional Islamic societies in the industrial era 4.0 today. This study aims to understand the understanding of traditional Islamic societies in carrying out and maintaining Islamic traditions in today's modern life. This study uses the social definition paradigm, qualitative approach, and by using descriptive analysis and the data analysis strategy uses the method suggested by Miles, Huberman, and Saldana.

Keywords: Resilience, Culture, Religion, Islamic Society, Industrial Age 4.0, Traditional

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