Laras Dwi Yuniangsih, Ria Angin


This study aims to describe the Performance Appraisal of the State Civil Apparatus in the Field of Institutional Development of the Cooperative and MSME Office of Jember Regency, in order to improve the performance of the performance of ASN employees. This research method, using qualitative research. Data sources were obtained from the Head of Institutional Subdivision, Business Development of Senior Civil Servants with 5 years of service, Medium Civil Servants with 3 years of service and Junior Civil Servants with 2 years of service. Data collection through interviews, collection and documentation. Analysis uses interactive model data analysis provided, Data collection, Data Reduction, Data Presentation, and Data Verification. Performance Appraisal of the State Civil Apparatus at the Cooperative and MSME Office in Jember Regency conducted an Assessment through Employee Work Targets and Employee Behavior. State Civil in the Cooperative Service especially in the Field of Safety and Business Development. (1) Service orientation, employees in the work safety unit supported in the good category and the implementation of services to the community are also very good, (2) cooperation, in the good humidity unit, (3) time discipline, time discipline in the airtight unit, cooperatives are still weak, there is still one employee who avoids problems of service and the performance of the employee itself.

Keywords: Assessment, Performance, State Civil Apparatus

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Other Documents:

Regent Regulation Number 43 of 2016 concerning Kedududkan, Organizational Structure, Duties and Functions and Work Procedures of the Cooperative and MSME Office of Jember Regency Job Target Employees in the Cooperative and MSME Office in Jember Regency ASN Law Number 5 Year 2014 Regarding State Civil Apparatus.


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