Zahratul Idami, Andriansyah Andriansyah


Ethics in Leadership are an evolving and important subject to research in the Islamic political studies. This is because ethics in leadership are one of the foundations that deciding the value of good or bad. Many Muslim scholars who have poured his idea to build the concept of ethics in leadership that gives the benefit and happiness in this world and hereafter. Imam al-Ghazali is one of the scholars who has written works on ethics in leadership. His idea of ethics in leadership is built on a solid foundation and has a typical Sufi moral. His Thoughts on ethics in leadership has become a reference and an important example for many leaders in the world until today. This research is library research with the research is a qualitative descriptive approach. The results showed that the concept of ethics in leadership by Imam al-Ghazali oriented to the impact of the soul in the pursuit of happiness in this world and hereafter. Ethics in the thinking of Imam al-Ghazali described as rational and religious science that should be combined in the leadership. The idea of ethics in leadership was not similar to the dominant secular ethics. The requirement to be a leader according to Imam al-Ghazali is focused on aspects of the character and integrity of a leader. The essence is, ethics in leadership should be the path to apply God's law in order to create balance in the world toward eternal happiness in the afterlife.

Keywords: Ethics, Leadership, Imam al-Ghazali, Political Sciences.

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