Dyah Mutiarin, Amporn Tamronglak, Suranto Suranto, Awang Darumurti, Sakir Sakir


This research is aimed to understand the evaluation study on Sustainable Universal Health Coverage Finance Policy both in Indonesia and Thailand. The results shows that there is tendency of overburden of public finance for both Indonesia and Thailand. Both of Thailand and Indonesia experienced the financial burden in implementing UHC Policy. The problem is more on the bulk amount of fund to cover the UHC from the annual budget which is accounted of the Annual National Gross Domestic Products (DGP), and become the burden for the National Budget allocated each year. Second, the quality of service is still in poor quality for Indonesian case and there is unequal distribution of government health facilities particularly in primary health care in Thailand. Third, the procedures of UHC for referral services is still complicated for the patients to get advance health care. The analytical approach of this study is derived from a qualitative research methods. In this research, the qualitative model will use the interview guide and focus discussion group to explore the information. FGD is conducted both in Indonesia and Thailand with the certain respondents and and key informan. Finally, this research also performing the procedures of triangulation to mean convergence among researchers. The research shows that Universal Health Coverage (UHC) Policy is an important health policy issue among ASEAN Countries. Indonesia and Thailand, needs to seek a sustainable policy model of UHC in financial model, improvement quality service and simplify referral service of current situation.

Keywords: Policy Evaluation- Policy Model – Universal Health Coverage

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