Saodatul Qhamariyah, Erni Zuhriyati


Allocation of village funds is funds originating from the district / city budget Whose source is from the central and regional financial balance funds and then received by the Regency or City with a minimum amount of 10%. In its management there is certainly a role for the community Involved. The public perception of the management of village fund allocation is urgently needed to assess the extent of the government's success in using the village's fund allocation. In this study aims to Determine the public perception of Village Fund Allocation Optimization in Seyegan District in 2016. Which in this year the budget allocation for village funds is among the third highest number in Sleman Regency. In this study Carried out by using a quantitative descriptive type of research, community perceptions roomates with numerical describes the data that has been Obtained in the field with the number of respondents 100 spread across five villages in Seyegan District. The results of this study indicate that the Community Perception of Village Fund Allocation Optimization in Seyegan District in 2016 shows an index value of 3.70, the which means that the management of village fund allocations in Seyegan District in 2016 is good. This is proven by the existence of better infrastructure, decreasing poverty rates and increasing community welfare by developing one of the potential of his village in the form of tourism villages and aquaculture.

Keywords: Community Perception, Optimization, and Village Fund Allocation

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Act No. 6 of 2014 About the village

Regulation No. 113 of 2014 About the village of Financial Management

Regulation No. 37 of 2007 on Guidelines for Rural Financial Management

PP of the Republic of Indonesia Number 72 Year 2005 About the village

Sleman Regent Regulation No. 6 of 2005 on Village Fund Allocation

District of Seyegan Year Strategic Plan 2016-2021

Internet (Accessed on October 15, 2018 at 21:30)


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