Yusi Eka Rahma Putri Andarini, Itok Wicaksono, Kahar Haerah


Village Ministerial Regulation No. 3 of 2015 mandates the Village Assistant to assist the Village Government in order for the Village Government to run according to the regulations, namely transparent and accountable. One of the Village Assistant's demands is to build and develop a Village Owned Enterprise which is one of the four pillars of village development priority. The village government of Glingseran is a village that owns a village owned enterprise. Therefore, it is expected that the Village Assistant should make efforts to make the Village Owned Enterprise able to support the economy of the village community and increase the village's original income (PAD). In this research, the researcher tries to examine the efforts of the village assistant in the empowerment of the village-owned enterprise in Glingseran village, Wringin sub-district, Bondowoso regency. The method used in this research is qualitative with descriptive approach. The result of the research found by the researcher is the efforts of the village counselor and the local village facilitator in the empowerment is good enough to be seen from the tasks that have been implemented by the village counselor to empower the village owned business enterprise successfully that is with the increase of business unit business unit into 3 business units that is rengganis tourist village, party equipment rental and savings and loan women. And the village facilitators perform their duties in accordance with the Standard Operational Procedures established by the Ministry of Village, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration of the Republic of Indonesia as well as the opening of employment opportunities, and the increase of the village's original income (PAD) Glingseran.

Keywords: Effort, Assistant, Bumdes

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