Suraji Suraji, Muhamad Ali Embi, Muhamad Ali Embi


The main subject of the regional expansion basic implementation in the era of regional autonomy is to improve and increase the public services quality to the people of Indonesia. Based on that main subject, initiated actions to implement regional expansion process in Indonesia. The primary objectives of regional expansion include: First, to increase the efficiency and orderliness of the regional government due to Indonesia’s wide territory and dense population. Second, Indonesians have a diversity in ethnicity, language, income, and tangible gap between urban and village population. Third, the regions will have three main sources of income under the regional expansions, including general fund allocation provided by the government as regulated by the Act of General Public Fund (DAU – Dana Alokasi Umum), natural resources, and resources of locally-generated revenue. Fourth, in order to eradicate the symptoms of corruption among interested parties who tend to exploit the central assistance to the regions. In the implementation of new governance and distribution of basic bureaucracy of departmental position and the determination of the sources of the equipment referring to the Act No.32 of 2014 regarding Regional Government, Regional Regulation (PP) No. 78 of 2007 regarding the Procedure of Establishment, Elimination, and Merging of Regions, and Act No. 5 of 2014 regarding State Civil Administration. This basis has become a reference in regional expansion and the determination of regional equipment which comprises of the principles of efficiency, feasibility, sincerity of achievement, and objectivity free of political interests, corruption, collusion, and nepotism. This study is expected to reveal the problems and the right solutions in the issue of regional expansion and to contribute to the academia specifically in the field of public policy, specifically related to regional autonomy.
Keywords: Regional Expansion, Conflict of Interest, Public Bureaucracy

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