Dikson Junus, Suaib Napir


This study aims to analyze the competency of the apparatus in carrying out services to the Investment Office and the One-Stop Integrated Licensing Service (DPMPTSP) of Gorontalo Regency. This study uses a qualitative descriptive method in analyzing the competency of the field of expertise in carrying out tasks and functions of public services related to licensing. The results of the study show that the competency of the apparatus is related to knowledge and work experience. There are 11 (eleven) apparatus competencies that are based on aspects of expertise based on education, this greatly supports the implementation of DPMPTSP's duties and functions in administering government services. In carrying out the function of public service based on the competency of the apparatus, this institution has 3 (three) fields, namely the field of Investment, Licensing Services and Supervision and advocacy. The conclusion of this study, even though the competency aspects have been fulfilled, but still found public complaints related to the quality of services that have not been in line with expectations. So this research recommends increasing the competency of the apparatus through various trainings to increase the capacity of individuals in providing services to the community.

Keywords: Competence, apparatus, public services.

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