Rio Yusri Maulana, Faizah Bafadhal, Serli Natalia Agnes Perwirawati Napo, Putri Andayani Br. Sitepu, Nahdatun Nisa Mubai


The enactment of Law No. 14/2008 concerning Public Information Openness and Law No. 25/2009 on Public Services is the legal basis for the existence of Open Government Indonesia (OGI), which should be applied by all government hierarchies in Indonesia. In the OGI action plan there are four main things; increasing public participation, improving governance through bureaucratic reform, strengthening public services, strengthening public information disclosure and data governance. The implementation of the Open Government administration should be supported by the use of e-government, in Jambi Province, this has not fully gone according to expectations even though it has long been a discourse. Public services are made easy and cheap with the presence of applications such as e-Planning and e-Budgeting which are products of e-government, gradually implemented by the Government of Jambi Province. Basically the challenges in implementing e-government are at the policy level, financial support and infrastructure. On the other hand, the system and the range of authorities that have not been integrated are still difficult obstacles to be parsed. This article examines more deeply the strengthening of government collaboration in the utilization of e-government applications by referring to the development of governance with the Open Government concept and this is a consequence arising from the granting of regional autonomy, it is necessary to adjust institutional arrangements and patterns of relations between government institutions and communities .

Keywords: Government Collaboration, Service Innovation, Open Government,
e-government, Data Governance.

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