Rina Susanti Hartono


Since the enactment of Law number 6 of 2014 concerning the village, it has been giving a new motivation to the village to increase its creativity in increasing the public service and increased development in the village. This village’s motivation is influenced by bigger support from the government in creating the village establishment as an implementation of the third Nawacita that states “Building Indonesia from the suburbs by strengthening the areas and villages in the framework of the unitary state”. The real indication can be seen from the launch of so many funds for the village from the government in order to realize the acceleration in the development of rural communities. This support must be followed by the orderly village’s government administrations in order to create the village’s accountability itself and the truth has gotten from the rural communities to their village’s government. This research is done in the whole sub-districts in Bekasi district by taking the sample of one village per one sub-district. The aim of this research is to know the village government administration implementation based on the Minister of Home Affair Regulation number 47 in 2016 in supporting the community services and villages’ establishment. The research method that is used is the qualitative method with the aim to gain the learned problems. The informant decided on this research is the Village’ secretary who represents the village government staffs for each sub-district, the Village Consultative Institution, Sub-district staffs, and the regional staffs who handle the village.
Keywords: Implementation, Village government administration, Public service

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