Aan Anwar Sihabudina, Dini Yuliani, R. Rindu Garvera


The purpose of this study is to improve people's understanding of managing their environment in accordance with sustainable development principles through optimizing village potential while maintaining local wisdom. With the concept of Eco-Village, the community of Sukahurip Village, Cihaurbeuti Subdistrict, Ciamis Regency is able to change people's behavior in creating a better environment, having a sense of attitude and self-reliance through community self-reliance without having to depend on government programs and feeling together the mutual cooperation that is felt has begun to fade. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research method based on documentation and interview results. The results of this study indicate that the development of a village based on the Eco-Village concept to create an independent village in Sukahurip Village has been proven by mapping the conditions of the village potential and the existence of an agroecosystem by making the Black Soldier Fly breeding center useful as a decomposer for organic waste. This study contributes to the economy of the local community in managing the social environment and sustainable productive economic enterprises whose results can increase income and family welfare without having to eliminate mutual cooperation and continue to uphold existing local wisdom through the concept of Eco-Village-based development.
Keywords: Village Development, Eco-Village Concept, Mandiri Village.

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