Andy Arya Maulana Wijaya, LM Azhar Sa’ban, Sry Mayunita


The smart-city is innovation concept providing effective and efficient public services, through innovation and the use of information technology infrastructure. There needs to be a collaboration between local governments, private agencies, and other community groups to develop this concept. However, the collaboration model seems to be very rarely studied in smart city envolve in local government. This paper uses a descriptive qualitative method, with a positivist approach. The results of the study explained that the Government of Baubau City was developing an online application for Information Management and Documentation Officers, that application provides information about which a number of data on finance, market prices, spatial data, and other public information were presented to support government transparency. Besides having developed links that the public can access various information on policies, programs, news, government activities, including online-based reporting systems, including development planning program (MUSREMBANG) now can be online. It's just that the implementation process is still oriented to the local government, while the private sector and the community have not fully contributed so that this service has not been optimal in providing effective and efficient services. The biggest challenges in implementing this are limited human resources and telecommunications infrastructure that is not yet optimal.
Keywords: Collaborative Governance, Smart-city, Local Government

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