Festa Yumpi Rahmanawati


Crisis and challenge are inherent in the human condition. Families of children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) experience significant stress event. Families are broadly viewed as a deficient, high risk in which families are susceptible to multiple problems. The mechanism of strength and vulnerability in these families are poorly understood. This study explores how the family of the child with ASD build resilience that was provided from the Muslim family point of view of a child with ASD in using Islamic values. Using the case study method, one family of a child with ASD discuss meaningful insights into how Islamic values support their way to be resilient. The findings of this study can help Muslim families better understand the resilience which contributes to positive parenting for their special need children. Four themes emerged: a) wonderful purpose behind adversity and stress; b) gratitude to small successes; c) having a support system for powerful energy; d) focusing on the hereafter The implication of these findings also can enhance the ability to manage effectively in parenting stress that was faced family of children with ASD.

Keyword: family resilience, Muslim family, the family with autism child, case study

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