Syah Riza Octavy Sandy


Food is a basic need for every human being. As a basic need, food must always be available at all times, safe, quality, nutritious and expensive prices by the community. Food needs can be directly taken from nature and food obtained through a process called processed products. Both of the foodstuffs obtained must be safe and not harmful to the soul. This food can be called a healthy food in the sense that it is a hygienic food product and is also free of biological contaminants, chemicals and other objects that can be life-threatening.The Islamic view of suitable food is halal in the sense of halal, then the process, process and achievement. Halal food is defined as food that does not contain anything that is haram with an understanding of how to obtain it, how to process it and process it in accordance with Islamic law.This study aims to analyze restaurant supervision as a hotel implementation based on sharia based on accurate data and information in this case represented by the Seven Dream Hotel, which is the only Shari'ah hotel in Jember.This type of research uses the type of qualitative research. Data collection using interview techniques, library research and documentation studies.The next stage is the preparation of the final report based on the results of data analysis within the framework of making scientific articles and scientific publications. The results of taking the two outputs or outcomes are then sent to the parties taken.

Keywords: Supervision of Halal Food, Syari'ah Hotel Restaurant

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