Kiki Endah, Irfan Nursetiawan, R. Rindu Garvera


The purpose of this study is to find out the existence of a regional specialty in maintaining economic stability in rural areas and improving the welfare of the people in Ciamis Regency. The method used is a qualitative descriptive research method and through a data triangulation approach. The results of the study show that galendo as typical food from Ciamis Regency still shows its existence and is still sustainable today. But to boost the popularity of these foods, craftsmen innovate their taste so that the various flavors of the galendo product emerge. The galendo flavor variant has an impact on increasing sales. Despite the many variants of the galendo, it still retains the flavor of the galendo itself. And this certainly contributes to increasing the selling value of raw materials for making galendo in the community of Ciamis Regency.

Keywords: Acculturation, New Icon, Traditional Food, Galendo.

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