Cyberbullying Pencegahan Dan Penanganan Pada Guru Bimbingan Kounseling Di Jakarta Pusat

Ade Nursanti, Nuri Sadida, Riselligia Caninsthi


Cyberbullying is bullying behavior that occurs in cyberspace, and technological media used to deliver it. Many Junior and senior high school students are experiencing cyberbullying. Cyberbullying can occur anywhere and anytime, it does not always happen at school. However, the impact of cyberbullying can affect the behavior of students at school. Among them, causes students to experience stress, depression, feeling lonely, and having a desire to commit suicide. The magnitude of the impact caused by cyberbullying requires various elements like schools, parents, teachers, and students to be able to prevent and provide handling. The training aims to build awareness of teachers, especially counseling teachers, about the dangers of cyberbullying. Therefore, efforts to equip counseling teachers can better detect problems through prevention and handling of cyberbullying on students. The project works in collaboration with the Central Jakarta Counseling Guidance Teacher Council (MGBK). The trainees were 17 counseling teachers from various vocational schools (SMKN) in Central Jakarta. The result shows there is an increasing teacher's knowledge on prevention and intervention of cyberbullying based on the results of the pre-test and post-test.


Cyberbullying, Counseling Guidance Teachers, High School Students

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