Hasaruddin Hafid


The pupils’ incapability in comprehending mathematics leads to their failure to graduate from schools. Mathematics as a deductive knowledge, whose object is abstract, which should be delivered to children of primary-school ages who are still in the stage of concrete and inductive thinking, should be facilitated with an appropriate mathematics learning strategy. A mathematics learning strategy is a way to convey mathematics subject matters carried out by pupils and teachers to learn mathematics-learning materials in order to achieve instructional objectives. One of many learning-teaching strategies is: expository and heuristic learning-teaching strategy. Conveying mathematics learning materials can be done through inductive and deductive methods, teaching concept, inquiry (guided and free), and mathematics problem solving. Each method has its advantage and disadvantage; as a result, the teachers should be skillful in choosing an appropriate method suitable for a certain material and in accordance with the pupils’ thinking stage. The primary teachers’ proficiency in applying a mathematics learning strategy will lead to the increasing of the educational quality, particularly the increasing of the primary-school pupils’ quality in learning mathematics.


Kata-kata kunci: Strategi pembelajaran, Matematika, dan
                                Siswa dan Guru SD

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