A. Hardoko


One of the problems of education for Indonesian is the low quality of education on the stage of education. Many ideas had be done, but same of indicators of education quality did not show the improvement evenly. The complexity of Education problem needs to be researched, so the report of the research result, illustrates the riil problem. The inaccuracy analysis of the learning problem makes the problem solution ineffective. From this conceptual thinking, the aim of the research get the real illustration, which the teacher usually used so long time and the thinking problem of students. The research method used is descriptive research, namely: survey, with questionnaire and interview. The sampling technique is purposive, which the judgment is the  Civic Teacher with 5 years experiences above. The sum of samples is 32 teachers of public and private schools, which is famous or infamous in Samarinda. The result of research shows that the understanding of teachers about the approach and the method cannot guarantee that the teacher apply them in the learning process. The students have not moral reasoning and the teachers do not apply to solve this case. On the authentic evaluation, in the learning the understanding and the operationalization is still the teachers’ problem.


Keyword: Learning Problem; Civic Education; Teachers; Students

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